Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles
7-10 juin 2016 Nice (France)
Collaborative Repository for Research Corpora of Linked Digital Objects
Elias Rizkallah  1, 2, *@  , Ahmed Halioui * @
1 : Université du Québec à Montréal
2 : Centre d'analye de texte assistée par ordinateur  (Centre d'ATO)
* : Auteur correspondant

This text exposes the rational, theoretic and main functionalities of a Web application to a collaborative repository for research corpora: RECOLTE. Steeped in the norms of collaboration between researchers and corpora elements (i.e. digital objects) enriched with metadata and inter-relations for reusability purposes, the proposed application is based on RDF linked digital objects, Dublin Core descriptions (extended) and XML-TEI exchange format (to import/export data). The architecture of the system, its access control management module for open and secured collaborations, massive/single import and export of data, search and navigate in the graph of objects, are all described and justified here within the context of logometric research.

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