Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles
7-10 juin 2016 Nice (France)
An audience development questionnaire based on Emotional Text Analysis: a festival case study
Nadia Battisti  1@  , Francesca Dolcetti  1@  , Mariacristina Nutricato  1, *@  , Francesco Betti  1, *@  , Guglielmo Propersi  1, *@  
1 : Studio RisoreseObiettiviStrumenti  (Studio ROS)  -  Site web
Via cavour 194 - 00184 Roma -  Italie
* : Auteur correspondant

This paper presents an action research case study where a questionnaire for identifying organizational strategies of audience development for cultural and creative services was constructed through text analysis. This was achieved in two phases: the first, spanning three years (2012-2014), allowed us to explore the context of an Italian literary festival through an emotional text analysis of 395 interviews carried out during the festival; in the second phase, a questionnaire, which was constructed based on the data produced in the preceding phase, was administered to 330 people during the sixth edition of the festival (2015) and the results will be used with the organizers for programming future editions.

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